WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS LOCAL OUTDOOR ACCESS FORUM MINUTES OF THE SIXTH MEETING Held at the Albert Memorial Hall, Ballater Tuesday 7 March 2006 at 16:00 Present Mike Atherton Peter Ord Dick Balharry (Convenor) Roger Searle Simon Blackett Richard Wallace Nic Bullivant Andrew Wells (Vice-Convenor) Jo Durno Jamie Williamson Helen Geddes Bryan Wright Debbie Greene John Grierson Jack Hunt Apologies David MacKay Dave Horrocks Ken McMillan David Selfridge Fred Gordon Ian Dunlop In attendance Adam Streeter-Smith, Paths for All Partnership Murray Ferguson, CNPA Bob Grant, CNPA Sandra Middleton, CNPA Fran Pothecary, CNPA Summary of Action Points There were no action points arising from the meeting. Welcome and Introductions 1. Dick Balharry (DB) opened the meeting and noted that there would be discussion of only a single item, the open meetings paper, before the business meeting was closed to allow the workshop to commence. Minutes of the last meeting 2. These were not considered at this date and are scheduled for approval at the following meeting on Saturday 22 April 2006. Paper 1: Moving Towards Open Meetings 3. Fran Pothecary presented the paper and a short discussion ensued. Reservations were expressed about the potential difficulties of managing sensitive casework issues in a public forum; and the effect that the presence of the public might have on the nature of the discussion. 4. However there was also support for the idea on the basis that open meetings give opportunities to showcase the Forum’s work and help the public understand the role of the Forum. It is also an opportunity for dialogue with the public. It was also considered that certain items could be held in ‘camera’ and a review of the success of open meetings could be held in due course. It was also noted that although there would be a more limited availability of venues to ensure allabilities access, this was easily managed to the benefit of all. 5. The Forum agreed that as from April 22nd 2006 Forum meetings would be open to the public and advertised by way of a notice in the press. The meeting closed at 16:15 to allow the commencement of the Outdoor Access Strategy workshop